


The 电子竞技押注平台伙伴关系 advocates for 和 supports initiatives to modernize federal management laws, policies 和 practices 在行政部门和国会.

我们提供国会, 行政部门领导, 并向公众提供信息, data, resources 和 policy recommendations to improve the operations 和 management of the executive branch 和 to support 和 strengthen the federal civil service.  


We all encounter the federal government many times a day, often without even knowing it. It’s the federal government that protects our food 和 water supply, 确保飞机安全到达目的地, 应对自然灾害等. Yet too many people believe our government is wasteful, 缺乏透明度和问责制, 对公众的需求漠不关心.

Changing public perceptions of government requires constructive solutions 和 a dedication to changing the status quo so government works—for all of us, 无论政治信仰如何. 一个无党派, professional federal workforce 和 well-managed agencies are fundamental to this vision.

Based on more than 20 years of expertise in government reform, 的伙伴关系 has homed in on the five most important priorities to improve how our government serves the people. This agenda should be the starting point for any discussion about improving our government’s ability to better serve the public.

阅读我们的建议 阅读摘要
1. 培养更好的政府领导.
2. Make it easier to hire 和 keep great public servants.
3. 对表现不佳的人负责.
4. 更好地利用人工智能、技术和数据.
5. 提供高效、人性化的服务.


In 2021, we released a reform agenda focused on four key issues: improving federal leadership, 支持联邦劳动力, 促进创新, modernizing technology 和 accelerating collaboration across government 和 across sectors.

In 2018, 的伙伴关系, Volcker Alliance 和 Senior Executives Association released a policy agenda focused on strengthening the Senior Executive Service so that leaders can better meet the challenges faced by our government.

In 2018, 的伙伴关系 和 the Volcker Alliance released this set of recommendations to press for an overhaul of the outdated federal civil service system.


On 2024年9月17日 的伙伴关系’s Vice President of Government Affairs Jenny Mattingley testified before the Senate Committee on Homel和 Security 和 Governmental Affairs hearing entitled “Ensuring a Trustworthy Government: Examining the National Security Risks of Replacing Nonpartisan Civil Servants with Political Appointees.”
7月30日, 2024 的伙伴关系’s Vice President of Government Affairs Jenny Mattingley testified before the Senate Committee on Rules 和 Administration hearing entitled “Senate Procedures to Confirm Nominees”  
On 2024年1月17日 的伙伴关系’s CEO 和 President Max Stier submitted a statement for the record in connection with the House Committee on Oversight 和 Accountability’s hearing “Toward an AI-Ready 劳动力.”
On 2024年1月12日, 的伙伴关系 submitted public comments on OPM’s “Recruitment 和 Relocation Incentive Waivers” proposed rule.
1月10日, 2024, 的伙伴关系’s President 和 CEO Max Stier submitted a letter for the record in connection with the Senate Homel和 Security 和 Governmental Affairs Committee’s hearing “Harnessing AI to Improve Government Services 和 客户体验.